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Sql Developer For Mac

  1. Sql Developer For Mac
  2. Oracle Sql For Mac
  3. Sql Developer For Mac Download

Important: If you are using a pre-release (Early Adopter) version of SQL Developer, and if you want to be able to continue to use this pre-release version after installing the official release kit, you must unzip the official release kit into a different directory than the one used for the pre-release version. For Windows systems, there are two kits: one for systems on which the Sun Java SDK release 1.5 is installed, and another for systems with no Java SDK or a Sun Java SDK release lower than 1.5. Be sure to download the appropriate kit. Before you install SQL Developer, look at the remaining sections of this guide to see if you need to know or do anything else first. The steps for installing SQL Developer depend on whether or not you will be using it on a Windows system that does not have the Sun Java SDK release 1.5 installed:.

Feb 26, 2015 - As @ruffin pointed out in the comment above I had to edit the package itself! It includes a sqldeveloper.sh script that changes my currently set.

For a Windows system with the Sun Java release 1.5 installed, follow the instructions in. For all other systems (Linux and Mac OS X systems, and Windows systems with no Java SDK or a Sun Java SDK release lower than 1.5 installed), follow the instructions in. 1.2.1 Windows Systems with JDK1.5 To install and start SQL Developer on a Windows system on which the Sun Java SDK release 1.5 is installed, follow these steps:.

Unzip the SQL Developer kit into a folder (directory) of your choice (for example, C: Program Files). This folder will be referred to as. Unzipping the SQL Developer kit causes a folder named sqldeveloper to be created under the folder (for example, C: Program Files sqldeveloper).

It also causes many files and folders to be placed in and under that directory. To start SQL Developer, go to sqldeveloper, and double-click sqldeveloper.exe. If you are asked to enter the full pathname for java.exe, click Browse and find java.exe. For example, the path might have a name similar to C: Program Files Java jdk1.5.006 bin java.exe. After SQL Developer starts, you can connect to any database by right-clicking the Connections node in the Connections Navigator and selecting New Database Connection. Alternatively, if you have any exported connections (see or ), you can import these connections and use them. You can learn about SQL Developer by clicking Help, then Table of Contents, and reading the help topics under SQL Developer Concepts and Usage.

1.2.2 Linux and Mac OS X Systems, and Windows Systems without JDK 5.0 SQL Developer requires that the Sun Java J2SE JDK 5.0 (Update 5 or later) be installed on the system. If you need to install this JDK, go to and click the link for downloading JDK 5.0 Update 6 (or the most recent available update). To install and start SQL Developer, follow these steps:. Unzip the SQL Developer kit into a directory (folder) of your choice. This directory location will be referred to as.

Unzipping the SQL Developer kit causes a directory named sqldeveloper to be created under the directory. It also causes many files and folders to be placed in and under that directory. To start SQL Developer, go to the sqldeveloper directory under the directory, and do one of the following, as appropriate for your operating system: On Linux and Mac OS X systems, run sh sqldeveloper.sh. On Windows systems, double-click sqldeveloper.exe. After SQL Developer starts, you can connect to any database by right-clicking the Connections node in the Connections Navigator and selecting New Database Connection. Alternatively, if you have any exported connections (see or ), you can import these connections and use them. You can learn about SQL Developer by clicking Help, then Table of Contents, and reading the help topics under SQL Developer Concepts and Usage.

Note: Migration of user settings is supported only from SQL Developer Release 1.0 to Release 1.1. It is not supported for migration from a pre-release version of 1.1 to Release 1.1. These settings refer to database connections, reports, and certain SQL Developer user preferences that you set in a previous version by clicking Tools and then Preferences.

However, some user preferences are not saved, and you must re-specify these using the new release. To migrate user settings from SQL Developer Release 1.0:. Unzip the Release 1.1 kit into an empty directory (folder). Do not delete or overwrite the directory into which you unzipped the Release 1.0 kit. When you start SQL Developer Release 1.1, click Yes when asked if you want to migrate settings from a previous release.

In the dialog box that is displayed, do not accept the default location for the settings. Instead, specify the location of your Release 1.0 settings, which might be a folder whose path ends with sqldeveloper jdev system. 1.4 Migrating Information from Previous Releases If you have used a previous release of SQL Developer or a pre-release version of the current release, you may want to preserve database connections that you have been using.

To preserve database connections, save your existing database connections in an XML file. To save the connections, right-click the Connections node in the Connections Navigator and select Export Connections.

After you complete the installation described in this guide, you can use those connections by right-clicking the Connections node in the Connections Navigator and selecting Import Connections If you want to use any user-defined reports or the SQL history from a previous version, see for information about where these are located. If you want to use any user-defined reports or the SQL history from Release 1.0 with both Releases 1.0 and 1.1, you must save them before using Release 1.1, because Release 1.1 modifies the files to a format that is incompatible with Release 1.0. SQL Developer preferences (specified by clicking Tools and then Preferences) from a pre-release version of the current release cannot currently be saved and reused; you must re-specify any desired preferences.

1.5 Location of User-Related Information SQL Developer stores user-related information in several places, with the specific location depending on the operating system and certain environment specifications. User-related information includes user-defined reports, user-defined snippets, SQL Worksheet history, and SQL Developer user preferences. In most cases, your user-related information is stored outside the SQL Developer installation directory hierarchy, so that it is preserved if you delete that directory and install a new version. The exception to this is on Windows systems, where SQL Developer user preferences are stored under the installation directory.

To preserve preferences on Windows systems when upgrading to a more recent version of the same SQL Developer release, but not to upgrade from Release 1.0 to 1.1, use the Check for Updates feature (click Help, then Check for Updates) to upgrade your system. The user-related information is stored in or under the following location:.

Sql developer for mac

Sql Developer For Mac

On Windows systems: the HOME environment variable location, if defined; otherwise the SQLDEVELOPERUSERDIR location, if defined; otherwise as indicated in the following table. On Linux and Mac OS X systems: the SQLDEVELOPERUSERDIR location, if defined; otherwise as indicated in the following table The following table shows the typical default locations (under a directory or in a file) for specific types of resources on different operating systems. (Note the period in the name of any directory or folder named.sqldeveloper.). Table 1-6 Non-Oracle (Third-Party) Database Certification for SQL Developer Database Releases Notes Microsoft Access Access 97 Access 2000 Access 2003 For any Access release: no JDBC driver needed, but you must ensure read access to system tables in the.mdb file. Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server 7 SQL Server 2000 SQL Server 2005 For any Microsoft SQL Server release: JDBC driver jtds-1.2.jar required; included in jtds-1.1-dist.zip available from sourceforge.net.

MySQL MySQL 3.x MySQL 4.x MySQL 5.x For any MySQL release: JDBC driver required. For MySQL 5.x: mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar, which is included in mysql-connector-java-5.0.4.zip For information about creating and using connections to third-party databases, see the information about database connections in the SQL Developer online help or Oracle Database SQL Developer User's Guide. 1.7 Advanced Security for JDBC Connection to the Database You are encouraged to use Oracle Advanced Security to secure a JDBC connection to the database. Both the JDBC OCI and the JDBC Thin drivers support at least some of the Oracle Advanced Security features. If you are using the OCI driver, you can set relevant parameters in the same way that you would in any Oracle client setting.

The JDBC Thin driver supports the Oracle Advanced Security features through a set of Java classes included with the JDBC classes in a Java Archive (JAR) file and supports security parameter settings through Java properties objects. For more information about using Oracle Advanced Security, see Oracle Database JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference.

1.9 Using a Screen Reader and Java Access Bridge with SQL Developer To make the best use of our accessibility features, Oracle Corporation recommends the following minimum technology stack:. Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Java Sun J2SE 1.5.005. Sun Java Access Bridge 1.1 or higher. JAWS 3.70.87, or 5.10 or higher Follow these steps to set up a screen reader and Java Access Bridge.

If you are using JAWS 3.70.87, see the additional configuration information provided after the procedure. Install the screen reader, if it is not already installed.

(See the documentation for your screen reader for more information about installation.). Install SQL Developer. Download Java Access Bridge for Windows version 1.1. The file you will download is accessbridge-11.zip. It is available from.

(See the Java Access Bridge documentation available from this Web site for more information about installation and the Java Access Bridge.). After downloading the file, extract (unzip) the contents to a folder, for example, accessbridgehome. Install Java Access Bridge by running Install.exe from the installer folder. The installer first checks the SDK version for compatibility, then the Available Java virtual machines dialog displays. Click Search disks.

Oracle Sql For Mac

Then select to search only the drive that contains the SQL Developer build and the SDK version in the program files directory (if it exists). The search process can take a long time on a large disk with many instances of SDK or SQL Developer, or when searching multiple disks. However, unless you complete an exhaustive search of your disk, Access Bridge will not be optimally configured, and will not be correctly installed to all of the Java VMs on your system. After selecting the disk to search, click Search. Confirm that you want to install the Java Access Bridge into each of the Java virtual machines displayed in the dialog, by clicking Install in All.

Click OK when you see the Installation Completed message. Confirm that the following files have been installed in the Winnt System32 directory (or the equivalent Windows 2000 or XP directory), or copy them from installer installerFiles because they must be in the system path in order to work with SQL Developer: JavaAccessBridge.dll JAWTAccessBridge.dll WindowsAccessBridge.dll Note that the system directory is required in the PATH system variable.

Confirm that the following files have been installed in the jdk jre lib ext directory, or copy them from installer installerFiles: access-bridge.jar jaccess-13.jar jaccess-14.jar JavaAccessBridge.dll JAWTAccessBridge.dll WindowsAccessBridge.dll. Confirm that the file accessibility.properties has been installed in the jdk jre lib ext directory, or copy it from installer installerFiles. Confirm that the file accessibility.properties includes the following lines: assistivetechnologies=com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessBridge AWT.EventQueueClass=com.sun.java.accessibility.util.EventQueueMonitor AWT.assistivetechnologies=com.sun.java.accessibility.AccessBridge. Only if you are using JAWS version 3.7, do the following: modify the file sqldeveloper.conf located in the folder sqldeveloper bin to uncomment the AddVMOption line, as shown in the following: # # Prepend patches to the bootclasspath. Currently, rtpatch.jar contains a # patch that fixes the javax.swing.JTree accessibility problems. # Uncomment the line below if you need to run SQL DeveloperSQL Developer under JAWS.

# AddVMOption -Xbootclasspath/p././jdk/jre/lib/patches/rtpatch.jar. Start your screen reader.

Start SQL Developer. These steps assume you are running Windows and using a Windows-based screen reader. A console window that contains error information (if any) will open first and then the main SQL Developer window will appear, once SQL Developer has started. Any messages that appear will not affect the functionality of SQL Developer. 1.9.1 Configuring JAWS 3.70 and Access Bridge with SQL Developer The following combinations of Access Bridge file versions are necessary to achieve optimal functionality with JAWS 3.70, since this version of the screen reader uses older Java technology than is used in SQL Developer. There are two stacks of software technology listed below for those who want to use either version 1.0.3 or 1.0.4 of the Access Bridge.

Sql Developer For Mac Download

Also required in the system32 directory is a copy of the latest version of the Access Bridge jar file. Access Bridge v. 1.10 Uninstalling SQL Developer Before you uninstall SQL Developer, if you plan to install SQL Developer (the same or an updated version) later, you may want to save your existing database connections; and if so, see before uninstalling.

To uninstall SQL Developer, remove the entire SQL Developer installation directory (that is, the directory named sqldeveloper and all directories and files under it in the hierarchy). If you also want to remove all user-specific SQL Developer information, you should also delete the directory under which that information is stored (that is, the SQL Developer user information directory). For the location of this directory, see.

If you have created a shortcut for SQL Developer, and if you do not plan to install SQL Developer into the same location again, you should remove that shortcut or modify the shortcut properties to reflect the new location.